This section attempts to answer questions that you may have regarding installation, working and distribution of XML4C. It also addresses questions that are non-technical in nature such as support and legal issues.

Parsing with XML4C

  1. What compilers are being used on the supported platforms?
  2. I cannot run my sample applications. What is wrong?
  3. I just built my application using the XML4C parser. Why does it crash?
  4. How do I setup my build environment to build XML4C applications?
  5. How do I use the source code for building my application?
  6. What are the differences between the various build settings on UNIX?
  7. Is XML4C thread-safe?
  8. How do I find out what version of XML4C I am using?
  9. How do I un-install XML4C?
  10. How do I add an additional transcoding file in the existing set?
  11. How are entity reference nodes handled in DOM?
  12. What kinds of URLs are currently supported in XML4C?
  13. Can I use XML4C to parse HTML?
  14. Can I use the streaming classes given in the sample programs?
  15. I keep getting an error : "invalid UTF-8 character". What's wrong?
  16. What encodings are supported by XML4C?

Distributing XML4C

  1. Which DLL's do I need to distribute with my application?
  2. How do I package the sources to create a binary drop?
  3. How do I build binaries from the XML4C source code?
  4. When will a port to my platform be available?
  5. How can I port XML4C to my favorite platform?
  6. I'm interested to know what application you used to create the documentation?
  7. Can I get the source code for the C++ Builder TreeViewer application whose screen shot appears on the front page of XML4C documentation?
  8. Can I use XML4C in my product?

Support questions for XML4C

  1. I can't use C++. Do you have a Java version?
  2. I found a bug -- what do I do?
  3. I have a question not covered here, or in the documentation -- who do I contact?

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. 1999, Center for Java Technology, Cupertino, USA