API Docs

API Docs for SAX and DOM

XML4C comes packaged with the API documentation for SAX and DOM - the two most common interfaces for programming XML. In addition the most common framework classes have also been documented.

The XML4C DOM is an implementation of  the Core Level 1 Document Object model as defined in the W3C Recommendation of 1 October, 1998.  The W3C document is at http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-DOM-Level-1-19981001/level-one-core.html

For a complete understanding of how the XML4C APIs work, we highly encourage you to read the DOM Level 1 Specification mentioned above.

The SAX APIs are derived from the SAX 1.0 Specification which may be found at http://www.megginson.com/SAX/index.html. You are also encouraged to read this document for a better understanding of the SAX API in XML4C. 

Click here to access the API documentation

Note: The documentation is generated automatically from the comments inside the headers using DOC++ and then massaged through a script.

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. 1999, Center for Java Technology, Cupertino, USA