Introduction to programming with Sun/ONC RPC: step 5

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

Step 5. Making the client functional

All we need now to get our program to work is to get the two numbers from the command line instead of using hard-coded values. In add_client.c we'll change the main function to accept three parameters: the server name, the first number, and the second number. The numbers will be parsed into integers and passed to add_prog_1.

Our main function used to look like:

main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *host; if (argc < 2) { printf("usage: %s server_host\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } host = argv[1]; add_prog_1(host); }

It now looks like:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *host; int a, b; if (argc != 4) { printf ("usage: %s server_host num1 num2\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } host = argv[1]; if ((a = atoi(argv[2])) == 0 && *argv[2] != '0') { fprintf(stderr, "invalid value: %s\n", argv[2]); exit(1); } if ((b = atoi(argv[3])) == 0 && *argv[3] != '0') { fprintf(stderr, "invalid value: %s\n", argv[3]); exit(1); } add_prog_1(host, a, b); }

We change add_prog_1 to accept two additional parameters:

void add_prog_1(char *host, int a, int b)

and set the parameters for the call to the remote procedure with:

add_1_arg.a = a; add_1_arg.b = b; result_1 = add_1(&add_1_arg, clnt);

Before compiling, add a #include <stdio.h> at the start of the file to define stderr, the file descriptor for the standard error output used by stdio functions (such as printf).

The complete client looks like:

#include "add.h" #include <stdio.h> void add_prog_1( char* host, int a, int b ) { CLIENT *clnt; int *result_1; intpair add_1_arg; clnt = clnt_create(host, ADD_PROG, ADD_VERS, "udp"); if (clnt == NULL) { clnt_pcreateerror(host); exit(1); } add_1_arg.a = a; add_1_arg.b = b; result_1 = add_1(&add_1_arg, clnt); if (result_1 == NULL) { clnt_perror(clnt, "call failed:"); } else print("return is %d\n", *result_1); clnt_destroy( clnt ); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *host; int a, b; if (argc != 4) { printf ("usage: %s server_host num1 num2\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } host = argv[1]; if ((a = atoi(argv[2])) == 0 && *argv[2] != '0') { fprintf(stderr, "invalid value: %s\n", argv[2]); exit(1); } if ((b = atoi(argv[3])) == 0 && *argv[3] != '0') { fprintf(stderr, "invalid value: %s\n", argv[3]); exit(1); } add_prog_1(host, a, b); }

Compile (make) again, run the server, and run the client. For example:

./add_client localhost 5 7

should yield:

result = 12

The program now fully works!

Continue to step 6

Back to step 4


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