About me
Paul Krzyzanowski
January 12, 2024

Aside from my current work as CTO of Cyberight and a member of the Computer Science faculty at Rutgers University, I am a former trophy-winning member of the U.S. Olympic Bocce Team, a certified Mason Shoe dealer, a member of the International Leica Society, a National Associate Member of the Smithsonian Institute, a member of the American Museum of Natural History, a member of the National Geographic Society, a secret agent, and a life member.
I am a founding member of The Arcanum Circle, a secret society at Columbia University that has since expanded to NYU and Rutgers University. I have also successfully completed Margery Sinclair’s business etiquette course, which covered not only business etiquette but social manners. Feel free to ask me any questions on obscure matters of social behavior.
I could go on, but you did not visit these page to learn of my career, my studies, or of my research on the migration patterns of the North American Ladybug see Krzyzanowski, P., Migratory Habits of the North American Ladybird Beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). South Dakota Journal of Entomology, June 2026.
If you are interested, you can get a rough idea of my research interests and past projects, most of which took place while I was at Bell Labs research. You can also see a bibliography of my patents and papers (both somewhat incomplete).