Terms and concepts you should know
Paul Krzyzanowski
February 10, 2024
- Cryptography
- Cryptanalysis
- Plaintext
- Ciphertext
- Cipher
- Encryption
- Decryption
- Key
- Secret algorithm
- Kerckhoffs’s Principle
- Properties of a good cryptosystem
- Symmetric key cipher
- Substitution cipher
- Monoalphabetic substitution cipher
- Caesar cipher
- Frequency analysis
- Polyalphabetic substitution cipher
- Alberti cipher
- Vigenère cipher
- Repeating key
- Keystream
- Coincidences
- exclusive-or operation
- Stream cipher
- Keystream generator
- One-time pad
- Perfect secrecy
- Rotor machine
- Shannon entropy
- Transposition cipher
- Scytale
- Padding (pad)
- Columnar transposition
- Combined cipher
- Block cipher
- Stream cipher
- Iterative cipher
- Round (in an iterative cipher)
- Subkey
- Feistel Network (general idea)
- SP-Network
- S-box, P-box
- Confusion
- Diffusion
- Key length
- DES - Data Encryption Standard
- 3DES (triple-DES)
- AES (just the most basic concepts)
- ChaCha20 (just the most basic concepts)
- Modes
- Electronic Codebook (ECB) mode encryption
- Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode encryption
- Counter (CTR) mode encryption
- Chosen plaintext attack
- Known plaintext attack
- Ciphertext-only attack
- Goal of differential cryptanalysis
- Goal of linear cryptanalysis