class XMLErrorHandler

This abstract class defines the error handler API's which can be used to process the error messages passed by the scanner



Constructors and Destructor.
XMLErrorHandler ()
Default Constructor
virtual ~XMLErrorHandler ()
The error handler interface.
virtual void error ( const ErrorCodes::XML4CErrors code, const XMLCh* const errorText, const XMLCh* const systemId, const XMLCh* const publicId, const unsigned int lineNum, const unsigned int colNum )
This method is called by the scanner to report all errors found while parsing the XML document
virtual void resetErrors ()
This method allows the error handler to reset itself, so that it can be used again


This abstract class defines the error handler API's which can be used to process the error messages passed by the scanner.
Constructors and Destructor.

Default Constructor

virtual ~XMLErrorHandler()

The error handler interface.

virtual void error( const ErrorCodes::XML4CErrors code, const XMLCh* const errorText, const XMLCh* const systemId, const XMLCh* const publicId, const unsigned int lineNum, const unsigned int colNum )
This method is called by the scanner to report all errors found while parsing the XML document. Along with the error message, it provides location information also.
code - The error code.
errorText - The error message.
systemId - The name of the input file being parsed.
publicId - The public id of the input file being parsed.
lineNum - The line number in the input file where the error occurred.
colNum - The column number where the error occurred.

virtual void resetErrors()
This method allows the error handler to reset itself, so that it can be used again

XMLErrorHandler(const XMLErrorHandler&)
The copy constructor, you cannot call this directly

void operator=(const XMLErrorHandler&)
The assignment operator, you cannot call this directly

This class has no child classes.
Revision: 02 src/com/ibm/xml/framework/XMLErrorHandler.hpp, xml4c2Framework, xml4c2_2_x

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

XML Parser for C++ 2.0
Copyright © IBM Corp, 1999
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