class XMLEntityHandler

This abstract class defines the entity handler API's which can be used to process entity references



Constructors and Destructor.
XMLEntityHandler ()
Default Constructor
virtual ~XMLEntityHandler ()
The pure virtual methods in this interface.
virtual void endInputSource (const InputSource& inputSource)
This method get called after the scanner has finished reading from the given input source while processing external entity references
virtual const bool expandSystemId ( const XMLCh* const systemId, XMLBuffer& toFill )
This method allows the passes the scanned systemId to the entity handler, thereby giving it a chance to provide any customized handling like resolving relative path names
virtual void resetEntities ()
This method allows the entity handler to reset itself, so that it can be used again
virtual InputSource* resolveEntity ( const XMLCh* const publicId, const XMLCh* const systemId )
This method allows the entity handler to provide customized application specific entity resolution
virtual void startInputSource (const InputSource& inputSource)
This method will be called before the scanner starts reading from an input source while processing external entity references


This abstract class defines the entity handler API's which can be used to process entity references.
Constructors and Destructor.

Default Constructor

virtual ~XMLEntityHandler()

The pure virtual methods in this interface.

virtual void endInputSource(const InputSource& inputSource)
This method get called after the scanner has finished reading from the given input source while processing external entity references.
inputSource - The external input source.

virtual const bool expandSystemId( const XMLCh* const systemId, XMLBuffer& toFill )
This method allows the passes the scanned systemId to the entity handler, thereby giving it a chance to provide any customized handling like resolving relative path names. The scanner first calls this method before calling resolveEntity.
systemId - The system id extracted by the scanner from the input source.
toFill - The buffer in which the fully expanded system id needs to be stored.

virtual void resetEntities()
This method allows the entity handler to reset itself, so that it can be used again

virtual InputSource* resolveEntity( const XMLCh* const publicId, const XMLCh* const systemId )
This method allows the entity handler to provide customized application specific entity resolution. This method is defined by SAX 1.0 API.
systemId - The system id of the external entity reference.
publicId - The public id of the external entity reference.

virtual void startInputSource(const InputSource& inputSource)
This method will be called before the scanner starts reading from an input source while processing external entity references.
inputSource - The external input source.

XMLEntityHandler(const XMLEntityHandler&)
The copy constructor, you cannot call this directly

void operator=(const XMLEntityHandler&)
The assignment operator, you cannot call this directly

This class has no child classes.
Revision: 94 src/com/ibm/xml/framework/XMLEntityHandler.hpp, xml4c2Framework, xml4c2_2_x

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

XML Parser for C++ 2.0
Copyright © IBM Corp, 1999
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