Desheng Zhang
Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science
Rutgers University

(848) 445-8307
dz220 AT

Description for ETC Data Release V0

This dataset contains ETC transaction samples for one day in Guangdong Province including: origin, destination, origin time, destination time, plate id. It includes 1,531,863 of vehicles and 2,515,672 of records. This dataset is for academic research only. All rights reserved. For privacy concerns, all identifiable IDs have been replaced by serial numbers.

We have been negotiating with service providers in Shenzhen to publish more data safely. But due to security and privacy concerns, some data used in the paper cannot be made public currently. Please follow our future work. Please cite the following paper when using this dataset.


Yang, Yu, Fan Zhang, and Desheng Zhang.

VeMo: Enabling Transparent Vehicular Mobility Modeling at Individual Levels with Full Penetration.

In The 25th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom) 2019.


Yang, Yu, Fan Zhang, and Desheng Zhang.

SharedEdge: GPS-free fine-grained travel time estimation in state-level highway systems.

Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 2, no. 1 (2018): 48.


Yu Yang (

Desheng Zhang (

Fan Zhang (

Description for Electric Vehicle Data Release V0

This dataset contains Electric Taxi GPS samples for one day in the Chinese city Shenzhen including: vehicle id, longitude, latitude, time, speed. In total, there are 664 Electric Taxis and 1,155,654 GPS records. This dataset is for academic research only. All rights reserved. For privacy concerns, all identifiable IDs have been replaced by serial numbers.

We have been negotiating with service providers in Shenzhen to publish more data safely. But due to security and privacy concerns, some data used in the paper cannot be made public currently. Please follow our future work. Please cite the following paper when using this dataset.


Wang, Guang, Xiuyuan Chen, Fan Zhang, Yang Wang, and Desheng Zhang.

Experience: Understanding long-term evolving patterns of shared electric vehicle networks.

In The 25th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom) 2019.


Guang Wang (

Desheng Zhang (

Fan Zhang (

Description for Urban Data Release V2

This 7GB dataset contains five kinds of data: Cellphone CDR Data, Smartcard Data, Taxicab GPS data, Bus GPS data and Truck GPS data of the Chinese City Shenzhen. This dataset is for academic research only. All rights reserved. For privacy concerns, all specific date info was removed and all identifiable IDs have been replaced by serial numbers in each kind of data.


  1. CDR Data Format:0055556100, 08:27:50,114.121305,22.57902
    SIM Card ID, Time, Latitude, Longitude;

  2. Smartcard Data Format:000000064,2013-10-22 09:49:33,31,26
    Smartcard ID, Time, Transaction type (21, 22, 31), Metro Station or Bus Line, Transaction Type;
    31-Bus Boarding & 21-Subway Swiped-In & 22-Subway Swiped-Out;

  3. Taxi GPS Data Format: 22223,2013-10-22 08:49:25,114.116631,22.582466,0
    Taxi ID, Time, Latitude, Longitude, Occupancy Status, Speed; Occupancy Status: 1-with passengers & 0-with passengers;

  4. Bus GPS Data Format:55640,2013-10-22 09:13:16,BJ2413,113.890800,22.580256,27.0000
    BUS ID, Time, PlateID, Latitude, Longitude, Speed;

  5. Truck GPS Data Format: 856,****-**-19 14:44:36,113.93882,2.25392,0
    Truck ID, Date Time, Latitude, Longitude, Speed;

We have been negotiating with service providers in Shenzhen to publish more data safely. But due to security and privacy concerns, some data used in the paper cannot be made public currently. Please follow our future work. Please cite the following paper when using this dataset.


Desheng Zhang, Juanjuan Zhao, Fan Zhang, and Tian He.

UrbanCPS:a Cyber-Physical System based on Multi-source Big Infrastructure Data for Heterogeneous Model Integration.

In the 6th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS'15), 2015.


Desheng Zhang (

Tian He (tianhe@cs.umn.eud)

Fan Zhang (

Description for Urban Data Release V1

This 5GB dataset contains four kinds of data for One Day: Cellphone CDR Data, Smartcard Data, Taxicab GPS data, and Bus GPS data of the Chinese City Shenzhen. This dataset is for academic research only. All rights reserved. For privacy concerns, all identifiable IDs have been replaced by serial numbers in each kind of data.


(1) CDR Data Format: Download

0055556100, 08:27:50,114.121305,22.57902

SIM Card ID, Time, Latitude, Longitude


(2) Smartcard Data Format: Download

000000064,2013-10-22 09:49:33,31,26

Smartcard ID, Time, Transaction type (21, 22, 31), Metro Station or Bus Line

Transaction Type:  31-Bus Boarding & 21-Subway Swiped-In  & 22-Subway Swiped-Out


(3) Taxi GPS Data Format: Download

22223,2013-10-22 08:49:25,114.116631,22.582466,0

Taxi ID, Time, Latitude, Longitude, Occupancy Status

Occupancy Status: 1-with passengers & 0-with passengers


(4) Bus GPS Data Format: Download

55640,2013-10-22 09:13:16,BJ2413,113.890800,22.580256

BUSID, Time, PlateID, Latitude, Longitude


We have been negotiating with service providers in Shenzhen to publish more data safely. But due to security and privacy concerns, some data used in the paper cannot be made public currently. Please follow our future work. Please cite the following paper when using this dataset.


Desheng Zhang, Juanjuan Zhao, Fan Zhang, Ruobing Jiang and Tian He.

Feeder: Supporting Last-Mile Transit with Extreme-Scale Urban Infrastructure Data

In The 14th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN'15), 2015.


Desheng Zhang (

Tian He (tianhe@cs.umn.eud)

Fan Zhang (

Description for Urban Data Release V0

This 400MB dataset contains 4 kinds of data: CDR Data, Smartcard Data, Taxicab GPS data and Bus GPS data of Shenzhen City China from 6AM 2013-10-22 to 12AM 2013-10-23. This dataset is for academic research only. All rights reserved. All identifiable IDs have been replaced by serial numbers in each kind of data for privacy concerns. The dataset is given at here.

We have been negotiating with service providers in Shenzhen to publish more data safely. But due to security and privacy concerns, some data used in the paper cannot be made public currently. Please follow our future work. Please cite the following paper when using this dataset.

Desheng Zhang, Jun Huang, Ye Li, Fan Zhang, Chengzhong Xu, and Tian He.

Exploring Human Mobility with Multi-Source Data at Extremely Large Metropolitan Scales.

In MobiCom '14, 2014.


Desheng Zhang (

Tian He (tianhe@cs.umn.eud)

Fan Zhang (