Current members and collaborators of my group (Blueprint Lab).

Fei Hua is a 6th year Ph.D. at the Computer Science Department at Rutgers. His major interests are quantum program compilation, quantum error mitigation and correction. Fei got his M.S. degree in Computer Science from Washington University at St. Louis. He did his internships at IBM Research in 2022, and at Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL) in 2023. He is one of the lead developers for the open-source compiler QASM Transpiler. He is the first author of the CaQR paper in ASPLOS’23 and the AutoBraid paper in MICRO’21.

Yuwei Jin is a fifth-yearPhD at Rutgers University at Blueprint Lab. His research is centered around quantum circuit compilation and error mitigation techniques for NISQ quantum devices. Prior to his PhD studies, he completed his undergraduate education at Rutgers, where he pursued a double major in Computer Science (CS) and Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). His work guarantees linear-depth for mapped QAOA circuits on superconducting quantum computers. He has published multiple papers including three papers in ASPLOS.

Minghao Guo is a first-year CS Ph.D. student at Rutgers University. He holds a M.E. from North Carolina State University (2023) and a B.E. from Sichuan University (2020). He is a new student in the Blueprint Lab. His research interest is quantum computing. He is looking forward to exciting new projects in all aspects of quantum computing.

Xiangyu Gao is a fifth-year CS Ph.D. student at New York University. He holds a M.S. from New York University (2019) and a B.S. from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (2017). He is advised by Prof. Anirudh Sivaraman at NYU and Prof. Srinivas Narayanaa at Rutgers. He is interested in quantum computing and is a current collaborator with the Blueprint Lab.