Skeptical links
Skeptical links
The Skeptic's Dictionary
(Bob Carroll)
Skeptics Society
Australian Skeptics Home Page
Skeptical Information
(A nice set of links from Jim Lippard)
QuackWatch Home Page
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
(The NCCAM "is dedicated to exploring complementary and
alternative healing practices in the context of rigorous science;
training CAM researchers;
and disseminating authoritative information)
The Hazards of Solar Power
("The promoters of solar power cleverly lead you to believe
that it is perfectly safe.")
Bad Science
("examples of the bad science often taught in schools...")
Christianity, Bogus Beyond Belief
The Jesus Puzzle: Was There No Historical Jesus?
The James Randi Educational Foundation
Shroud of Turin Research
Teaching about Evolution and the Nature of Science
Skeptical Inquirer
(redirect from CSICOP On-line -- The Committee for the Scientific Investigation
of Claims of the Paranormal)
Skeptic News
(The "What's New" Page for Skeptics)
Philadelphia Association for Critical Thinking
Bubble Rings!
(Mystery of the Silver Rings by Don White, Creator of Project Delphis)
(Dolphins blowing rings of bubbles)
HFML, Levitation
(Frog levitated by magnets)
Society for Scientific Exploration
("a professional forum for presentations, criticism, and debate
concerning topics which are for various reasons ignored or
studied inadequately within mainstream science")
Health Central
(Dean Edell: MD with a healthy skeptical bent)
Statistical Assessment Service
(a nonpartisan, non-profit research organization ... devoted
to the accurate use of scientific and quantitative information
in public policy debate)
Media Resource Service
(Linking journalists and scientists)
The Textbook League
(textbook review newsletter -- all tables of contents
and some older articles online)
("Your Global Gateway to Science, Medicine,
and Technology News"
-- A great source for current news stories)
Einstein on Science and Religion
The UFOs of October
("The Autokinetic Effect and group dynamics in UFO
The text of a talk given by Michael D. Sofka of the Skeptics
Myths of Skepticism.
(Another talk by Michael Sofka)
Memoirs of a Sci-Cop
("The Sci-Cop Story: Memoirs of an Agent or...
Gravity: it's not just a good idea: IT'S THE LAW."
A humorous skeptic site.)
The Mad Revisionist
(a parody of holocaust deniers)
Is a Proof of the Non-Existence of a God Even Possible?
Rocky Mountain Skeptics critique of JAMA Therapeutic Touch article
Erroneous Predictions
(Airplanes are impossible, etc.)
In Search of Mathematical Miracles
(skeptical resources on "miraculous patterns occurring beneath
the text of sacred text")
Religious Tolerance
(an attempt at being objective)
Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions
(the book, online)
The "Real" Stella
(the real story of Stella Liebeck,
who got burned by McDonalds coffee and sued)
Quintessence of the Loon (tm)
(a great archive of wackos)
Quotes 2think by
Darwin Fish and EvolveFISH Sales Site For Shirts, Stickers, Emblems and more
(including "Freedom is the distance between Church and State")
Carl Sagan on Pseudoscience
(NPR's May 3, 1996 Talk of the Nation: Science Friday)
A Brief History of the Apocalypse
(A great list of predictions of the end of the world!)
Lunar Embassy
(Buy real estate on the Moon!)
Real Signs of Intelligence
(Looking for God through mathematical proportion in nature)
What's up with Dianetics/Scientology?
(The Straight Dope: May 12, 1989)
The Anomalist
(Weird news)
Alternative Reconstruction of the JFK Assassination--The Murderous Illusion
(Assassination as magic trick)
This page last updated October 20, 2019.