Personal WWW Pages

Personal WWW Pages

In order to set one up for yourself, you should create in your home directory a subdirectory called "public_html". Both your home directory and the subdirectory should minimally allow world execute access. (Execute on a directory means you can access a file - subject to its own permissions - if you know the file's name.) In the subdirectory, the default file accessed if none is specified, is "index.html". If no file is specified and "index.html" does not exist and the directory is readable by the world, a directory of files is presented. Files there should be protected with world read access. Assuming you are in the cluster served by aramis, your default WWW page should be advertised as<your-userid>/
If you're on the research, grad, ilab or undergrad clusters, the above URL should work for you within 24 hours of creating your public_html directory.

To learn more about writing HTML files:

For curiosity's sake, you may be interested in my take on the question " What is a home page?"

This page last updated May 7, 2011.