PBS Funding Chain Letter petition
The following was forwarded to me by Gil Hurlbut,
ghurlbut@usa.net, for inclusion in my
Chain Letter
> From: root@goldng8.univnorthco.edu
> Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 15:16:01 -0700 (MST)
> Subject: Re: Petition from univnorthco
> To: Gil Hurlbut <ghurlbut@usa,net>
> The petition you received from wein2688 concerning funding for PBS was
> initiated over 2 years ago by 2 freshman here who had good intentions but
> poor methodology. Electronic signatures are virtually useless.
> One of the students, wein2688, left the school after 1 semester because
> the reaction to this "junk mail" was so adverse. And for more than 2
> years we have been trying to slay this beast. It just refuses to die.
> Please help use to kill this thing by NOT sending it to anyone anuwhere
> Just delete it. If you do want to help PBS, contact the local PBS station
> or write to your congressman to voice your concerns.
> Dutch Mulhern
> Information Services
> University of Northern Colorado
> SUBJECT: Doing our public duty
> Date: Sat, 20 Dec 1997 11:26:31 EST
> Please read, sign and forward to others.
> Please keep this petition rolling. Do not reply to me. Please
> sign and
> forward to others to sign. If you prefer not to sign please send to the
> e-mail address indicated or return to me. Thanks.
> This petition is being passed around the internet. Please add your
> name to it so that funding can be maintained for the NEA, NPR &
> PBS. Here goes:
> This is being forwarded to several people at once to add their
> names
> to the petition. It won't matter if many people receive the same
> list as the names are being managed.
> This is for anyone who thinks NPR/PBS is a worthwhile expenditure
> of $1.12/year of their taxes, a petition follows. If you sign,
> please forward on to others (not back to me). If not, please don't
> kill it
> -- send it to the email address listed here:
> <wein2688@blue.univn>
> PBS, NPR (National Public Radio), and the arts are facing major
> cutbacks in funding. In spite of the efforts of each station to
> reduce spending costs and streamline their services, some
> government
> officials believe that the funding currently going to these
> programs
> is too large a portion of funding for something which is seen as
> not
> worthwhile. Currently, taxes from the general public for PBS equal
> $1.12 per person per year, and the National Endowment for the Arts
> equals $.64 a year.
> A January 1995 CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll indicated that 76% of
> Americans wish to keep funding for PBS, third only to national
> defense and law enforcement as the most valuable programs for federal
> funding.
> Each year, the Senate and House Appropriations committees each
> have
> 13 subcommittees with jurisdiction over many programs and
> agencies.
> Each subcommittee passes its own appropriation bill. The goal
> each
> year is to have each bill signed by the beginning of the fiscal
> year, which is October 1.
> The only way that our representatives can be aware of the base of
> support for PBS and funding for these types of programs is by
> making our voices heard.
> Please add your name to this list and forward it to friends if you
> believe in what we stand for. This list will be forwarded to the
> President of the United States, the Vice President of the United
> States, and Representative Newt Gingrich, who is the instigator of
> the action to cut funding to these worthwhile programs.
> *If you happen to be the 150th, 200th, 250th, etc. signer of
> this petition, please forward a copy to:
> <wein2688@blue.univnorthco.edu>.
> This way we can keep track of the lists and organize them.
> Forward
> this to everyone you know, and help us to keep these programs
> alive.
> Thank you.
> --------------------------------------------------------
> NOTE: It is preferable that you SELECT the entirety of this
> letter
> and then COPY it into a new outgoing message rather than simply
> forwarding it.
> --------------------------------------------------------
See also
Last updated: May 23, 2003 (to fix link).