Changing home directory structure

Changing home directory structure

If your home directory is moved, usually to a partition with more space available, what can you expect?

Usually, the move will be transparent to you. There are only a couple of things to consider.

Aliases, PATH: Check your .cshrc and .login for explicit references to your home directory. These should be changed. If you change these, they won't take effect until the next time you login. It's probably advisable to make reference to your home directory using "~", rather than the full path, so that this correction won't be necessary if you move agin.

Soft links: If you have soft links to files somewhere else in your own directory hierarchy, these will have to be changed. Sometimes, you can get around full path links by using "../" to reference superior directories. On the faculty machines, there is now a set of links in /fac/u pointing to users' home directories in a structure-independent way, so to reference your home directory in, say, a compiled program, you can specify /fac/u/yourname instead of /fac/u1/yourname.

If you have a large number of soft links to correct, try using the script "~watrous/fix-links" to fix them automatically. Type

    ~watrous/fix-links -h
to get started with it. (That will just print out the help info.)

Local disk access: If you do a lot of disk I/O or have a large mail file, it's usually faster to do it (or read your mail) on the same host as your home directory actually resides. "df ." indicates what machine the directory is mounted from if it's not local.

This page last updated August 5, 2002.