Guest accounts

Guest accounts

There is now a procedure for DCS faculty to register guests directly with the University (and get them a NetID) without needing to have a staff member involved. The policy for the guest request system is located here. The guest request system itself is located at
The new guest should go to the above URL and follow the "Submit a Request as a new Guest" link.

Filling out this form is a little tricky. When selecting the Department, click the down arrow on the right and start typing "SAS - Computer Science" in the box that appears (not "COMPUTER SCIENCES"). You can select "SAS - Computer Science" when it appears in the suggested completion menu below the box. Similarly, when selecting the Sponsor, click the down arrow, then start typing the faculty sponsor's full name, first name first, selecting the name from the drop-down menu when it appears as a suggested completion.

Once the above step is completed, the faculty sponsor will get an email requesting approval of the guest access.

When the sponsor approves the guest access, the new guest is then notified how to activate their new NetID.

If the new guest needs something else once their NetID is activated, such as a shell account on the research cluster, the sponsor should then send an email to help@cs.

Note: I have not seen this procedure from the perspective of the sponsoring faculty member or proposed guest. I am documenting this as best I can from my knowledge of the old system and feedback from you. Please let me know if this needs correction or clarification.

This page last updated May 3, 2017.