So when you run quota, you receive a message like this:
Over disk quota on /fac/u41, remove 7495K within 6.0 daysHow do you find where the space is taken up?
find . -name core print
The next step is to see if you have any large files in the current directory:
/usr/ucb/ls -s | sort -rn | moreThis command will list files in the current directory sorted by size, largest first. The number in the left column is the size in K.
If you don't find any large files in the current directory, your usage may be spread out in subdirectories. Try the command:
/bin/du -ks * | sort -rn | moreThe output of this command is similar to the one above, but now the contents of directories (recursively) will be considered too. If a subdirectory is listed here with a large size, you should connect there and look for large file/directories from that point.
/bin/du -kswhile connected to your directory on the filesystem on which you're over quota. The number displayed does not match what
quota -vtells you for that filesystem.
The commonest way for this to occur is working on a shared project. If the shared project directory is on the same structure you're over quota on, all your files there will count against your quota as well. The easiest way to find files of yours in a shared directory is to connect to that directory and issue the command:
find . -user username -printwhere username is your username.
If you still can't find all your usage, the best bet is to send email to help explaining the problem and asking someone with privileges to look for all your usage.
find filesystem -user username -printwhere filesystem is the filesystem on which you are reported as being over quota, and username is your username. It is likely that you will get a lot of "Permission denied" errors as find tries to read directories which are protected against you, but you will probably also see where you do have some files.
If this doesn't work, send a message to help asking someone with privileges to help find where your files are.