The following was forwarded to me by Bob Jordan,, for inclusion here:
[This is not for real (if there was any doubt in your mind).]
[many levels of forwarding addresses removed]
>>> TO:
>>> FROM:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> And thank you for signing up for my Beta Email Tracking
>>> Application or  (BETA)  for short. My name is Bill Gates.
>>> Here at Microsoft we have just compiled an
>>> e-mail tracing program that tracks everyone to whom this message
>>> is forwarded to. It does this through an unique IP (Internet Protocol)
>>> address log book database.   We are experimenting with
>>> this and need your help.  Forward this to everyone you know
>>> and if it reaches 1000 people everyone on the list will
>>> receive $1000 and a copy of Windows98 at my expense.
>>>  Enjoy.
>>>  Note: Duplicate entries will not be counted. You will be
>>> notified by email  with further instructions once this email
>>> has reached 1000 people. Windows98 will not be shipped
>>>  unitl it has been released to the generalpublic.
>>>  Your friend,
>>>   Bill Gates & The Microsoft Development Team.