Emergency powerdown order
	Emergency powerdown order for machines in CoRE 235/240

This is the latest shutdown order for emergency powerdowns in the
machine rooms of CoRE 235 and 240.  There are two copies of this
list.  One is for checking off machines as they are powered down, the
other can be used in the reverse order on powering the machines back
up.  For more information on the emergency powerdown system, see

    Level 1: (exporting nothing)

acmi.cs aurora.cs grande tall1 tall2 tall3 tall4 venti

    Level 2: (exporting generic filesystems)

aramis backup.cs backup.lcsr mrtg nbackup.cs seqam00 smile.lcsr temp.lcsr

    Level 3: (exporting home directories)


	(also non-critical hubs/switches)

    Level 4: (NIS servers)

    Level 5: (mail and external web servers)

athos farside research.cs secrets

    Level 6: (critical servers)

koko.lcsr maiton

    Level 7: (shutdown system)


	(and finally the console servers -- good luck!)

(Generated by /staff/users/watrous/check-emergency-powerdown-order)

Last updated: 2020-07-02, 11:01:08