British Dave Rhodes Chain Letter The following British adaptation of the Dave Rhodes chain letter was forwarded to me for inclusion on my Chain Letter page.
"I was amazed when I saw how much money came flooding through my letter box... I turned £87 into £43,540 within the first 60 days of operating this business plan. If you decide to take action on the following instructions, I will personally GUARANTEE that you will enjoy a similar return!"

My name is David Rhodes. In September 1997 1 lost my job. At the time I was living at the edge of my means and in debt. Consequently, this started a chain reaction that ended with the repossession of my home and car. If that wasn't enough, several debt collectors were constantly hounding me like you would not believe. As you can probably imagine my prospects looked pretty bleak.

In January 1998 I received a letter telling me how to make over £40,000 at a time. I ignored it because of course I was skeptical. However, by March I was even further in debt. I finally realized that I had absolutely nothing to lose by having a go and apart from that I couldn't stop myself from thinking what if it actually works? In the summer of 1999 my family and I went on a cruise and bought a brand new Mercedes with cash. I'm currently building our £200,000 dream home and I don't owe a single penny to anyone!

To date I have made £582,710. My accountant has drawn up a cash-flow forecast in which he predicts I will become a millionaire within the next six months, just through this business alone. Even now as I write this letter to you I find it strange to come to terms with the fact that, like most people, I've worked hard and struggled all my life just to "get by" and then something so ridiculously simple nonchalantly drops in my lap and turns my life around almost immediately. When you think back to all the similar things I've thrown in the bin, it makes me shudder because I know how close I came to missing out completely.

The business plan works perfectly every single time. I've never made less than £40,000 after a cash mailing. This is a legitimate business opportunity, a perfectly legal moneymaking enterprise; IT DOES NOT require you to SELL anything. IT DOES NOT require you to speak to your family and friends (unless of course you want to). In fact you don't need to come into contact with any people whatsoever. Therefore anyone with a pulse can become successful and make their fortune with this system. If you believe that "every dog should have his day" then follow this simple step by step plan exactly as it's set out below and I GUARANTEE that within 60 days your life will be transformed.... FOREVER!

If you decide to let this opportunity pass, I would like you to know that I sincerely respect your decision and I understand that you will have your reasons. I therefore wish you the very best of luck in the future. I'm able to say this with absolute unbiased sincerity because, as you will see, even if you decide to work this plan, I will not receive any financial gain from you, full stop. However, remember life is short. Nobody has ever said that you can't have financial freedom to do what you want to do, when you want to do it, but you first pay the price. The price here is "ACTION", it's as simple as that.

I'm very proud to be able to say that I've fulfilled my duty to my children by securing their financial future in a very uncertain world, and I don't believe that any price is too great for that kind of security.

David Rhodes, NORFOLK.

If you decide to follow these instructions EXACTLY, you will receive over £40,000 in cash within the next 60 days - GUARANTEED. DO NOT change any of these six proven steps, not even slightly.

STEP 1: It is an undeniable law of the universe that first we must give in order to receive. So, the first step is to IMMEDIATELY send a £10 note to the person listed at No. 1 on the list at the end of this letter. Do this with a big smile on your face because "as ye sew, so shall ye reap". Without this person making the decision to go ahead, you would not have received this letter-cum opportunity. Remember that it cost all of the people on the list money to send their letters out and offer you this chance. Your one-off £ 10 (total) contribution is all they ask in return, every single £10 counts. It's your way of thanking them. Your turn will come. Wrap your £10 note (cash only, no cheques) very tightly inside a brief hand-written note containing your name, address, (including post code) and this short statement: "please accept this £10 gift". This note guarantees that you are operating within the law of the United Kingdom. You are simply sending the receiver a £10 gift. After you have sent a complete stranger £10 in the post, something very eerie happens. It gives you the indescribable, overwhelming sense of certainty, belief and conviction in the system. You've just proved to yourself that because you have done it there have to be a great many other people ready to do exactly the same. You have seen for yourself first hand that this business actually works.

STEP 2: After you have posted your £ 10 note, delete the name and address of the person who is No. 1 on the list. Move all the other names and addresses up one position (i.e.. No. 2 now becomes No. 1; No. 3 becomes No. 2 and so on). Now enter your name and address into the newly vacated No. 6 position. The easiest way to do this is as follows: type the names and addresses (with you at No. 6) onto a strip of paper; glue the strip directly over (covering) the existing list of names at the end of this letter. If you do not have access to a typewriter or word processor then write the names and addresses by hand in black ink. However, if you do it this way PLEASE take your time and write EXTREMELY CAREFULLY in BLOCK CAPITALS. This is absolutely critical for obvious reasons.

STEP 3: Photocopy 200 (minimum) copies of this letter, which will now include your name and address at No. 6.

STEP 4: Pick out 200 names and addresses from a telephone directly of your choice. If you do not wish to use your local directly you can order others from BT. This will cost around £7 and can be added to your telephone bill if you wish. DO NOT order a mailing list. This will not guarantee a good response. YOU MUST obtain your own names and addresses. Remember, a good list will always yield a good response. Public Libraries are a good source of addresses with postcodes covering the whole of the UK.

STEP 5: Fold your photocopied letters neatly IN HALF and place them into C5 envelopes. Seal them up and stamp them all. IMPORTANT. DO NOT fold the letters more than once or use smaller envelopes.

STEP 6: Copy your 200 names and addresses on to the sealed envelopes and drop them off at the post office. Complete these six simple steps as FAST as possible. Speed is EVERYTHING. Within 60 days you will be receiving over £40,000 in cash GUARANTEED. Keep a copy of this letter safe; you can always use it again whenever you need more cash.


You have sent off your £10 note and then mailed 200 letters. Your details are printed at No. 6 on each of them. Your tasks are now complete. Sit back and relax - you deserve it.

If only 2% of 200 people respond to your letter then four people will mail 200 letters each, i.e.. 800 letters with your name now at No. 5.

If only 2% of 800 people respond to their letters them 16 people will mail 200 letters each, i.e.. 3,200 letters with your name now at No. 4.

If only 2% of 3,200 people respond to their letters them 64 people will mail 200 letters each, i.e.. 12,800 with your name now at No. 3.

If only 2% of 12,800 people respond to their letters then 256 people will mail 200 letters each, i.e.. 51,200 letters with your name now at No. 2.

If only 2% of 51,200 people respond to their letters then 1024 people will mail 200 letters each, i.e.. 204,800 letters with your name now at No. 1.

If only 2% of 204,800 people respond to their letters 4096 people will send you £10 each because your name is in the receiver position at No. 1, you will therefore receive:

£40,960 in £ 10 notes

As if the response rate is more than 2% or people send out more than 200 letters you will get even more.

Simple ideas are best!!!

Your approximately costs will be:

  1. £10 sent to the person at No. I on the list you received.
  2. Photocopying 200 pages x 4 pages = 800 copies @ 4p / copy = £32
  3. 200 C5 envelopes = £7
  4. 200 2nd class stamps = £38
  5. Approximately 4 hours of your time.

Total cost: - £87

You will receive £40,960

Profit £40,873 or £10,218.25 per hour of your time.

Here are a couple of testimonials from participants of the programme:

"About six months ago I received David Rhodes' letter. At the time I thought it was a hoax. However, I could not get it out of my head for the next month. I could not really afford the total of about £80 on my own so I decided to show it to a close friend. I asked her if she would split the initial investment and then split any profits. She agreed, so we completed the six steps together. This took around two hours. 7 weeks went by and nothing happened - no money came. However, the following four weeks were unbelievable. Of course, it didn't take long to spend so we are doing it again separately. The way I see it this works like the National Lottery, except it is more fun because you are GUARANTEED TO WIN".
S. Casper, SURREY.

I have received many letters and ideas similar to this one over the years. Although I'm skeptical by nature, there was something different about this particular letter that I liked. The initial investment wasn't much and it was certainly less than some I'd seen. I decided I would treat this as a bit of fun. If it didn't work, so what. It's not exactly a fortune at risk. First I sent £10 to the person who was No. 1 on my list, which I felt, was enormously important in principle. How could I expect anyone to send me £10 if I wasn't prepared to do it myself? Then I mailed 200 letters and hoped for the best. Nothing happened for 6 weeks. During the 7th week I started to get some response. In that week I received £910. I couldn't wait for the next day's mail. The next week I received £13,740 after 90 days I had received £47,370 from the original mailing. The income stream has tailed off, so this time I am going to send out 500 letters. Carefully following the 6 steps and join the club, it's unbelievable fun.
J. Holliman, CREWE

When I received this letter I thought "what have I got to lose". I didn't tell my husband about it because I thought he would laugh at me. I mailed out 250 letters to complete strangers and within 6 weeks the stream of money came flooding in. After 2 months I had received £48,530 and it is still arriving. I am so happy that I have been able to pay off all our loans and credit cards and we had a wonderful holiday. My husband was amazed that I had done it, and that it actually worked. He said I was right and that he would have put me off doing it. He was so glad that I went ahead without telling me. Nobody loses out on this. I am now doing my second mailing to pay off our mortgage. Thank you so much David Rhodes.
P. Applegate, BIRMINGHAM

[List omitted]

This page last updated January 28, 2003.