EEL / DARK : Power and Energy Management
198:500 Light seminar, Spring 2003
(index 54937 07)

Class Information

Recently, power dissipation and energy consumption have become optimization goals in their own right, no longer being considered a by-product of traditional performance optimizations. Effective power and energy management is important to prolong battery life and to reduce heat dissipation. Developing compile-time techniques for application specific power and energy management is an exciting new challenge. In addition, compiler technology can be used to enable further OS or hardware optimizations. We will discuss papers that cover new hardware/OS/compiler approaches to the problem of efficient power and energy management.

This is a one credit course light seminar. We will meet every week for 60 minutes to discuss a single research paper. Participants are expected to give a single 30 minutes presentation on a selected research paper. We will meet on Wednesdays at 11:00am in CoRE B .

This page will have links to the research papers if they are electronically available. If you have any questions regarding this light seminar, please contact Prof. Uli Kremer (

Invited Speaker

Jamey Hicks, HP/Compaq Cambridge Research Laboratory (CRL),
Linux on the iPAQ and CRL Metro Project
11:30am , Wednesday, April 9, CoRE A

Abstract: Starting in the spring of 2000, the Linux kernel was ported to the iPAQ handheld by Compaq Cambridge Research Lab as part of Compaq Research's project. is an open source project fostering the development of linux kernel and applications for handheld devices. Compaq started the project as an open source project to support research, but it has grown into a commercially viable platform. Linux on handhelds has come a long way in the 3 years of the project.

This talk will give an overview of Linux on the iPAQ and what makes it interesting and challenging compared to PC's. It will also talk about some of the research efforts using Linux iPAQs. Finally, CRL's Metro project will be discussed, which is uniting indoor location technology, voice over IP, and handheld devices to build interesting and useful location and context aware applications.

Bio: Jamey Hicks is the leader of the CRL Metro project and one of the founders and leaders of He did the first linux kernel port to the iPAQ and continues to help maintain the kernel, firmware, and a variety of utilities for the iPAQ. He joined CRL in 1996, working with the Alpha microprocessor team on performance measurement and modeling architectures for out of order and simultaneous multithreading architectures. After that, he switched to mobile/wireless devices such as the Compaq Personal Server (Skiff), the Mercury BackPAQ, and now the iPAQ.


Last updated by Ulrich Kremer at 9:00am on April 30, 2003