Hardware and Software Support for
Power and Energy Management
Class Information
This is a one credit course and a continuation of
last years light seminar on
the same topic. We will meet every week for 60 minutes to discuss a single research
paper. Participants are expected to give a single 30 minutes presentation
on a selected research paper. We will meet on Thursdays at 12:10pm in CoRE 229 .
This page will have links to the research papers if they are electronically available.
If you have any questions regarding this light seminar, please contact Prof. Uli Kremer
(uli@cs.rutgers.edu). The links to online versions of the papers were provided by
Chung-Hsing Hsu. Thanks!
Invited Speaker
Jamey Hicks, Compaq Cambridge Research Laboratory (CRL), TBA
Tentative Syllabus
Overview and Surveys
- Dynamic Voltage Scaling on a Low-Power Microprocessor
J. Pouwelse, K. Langendoen, and H. Sips,
MMSA'00, November 2000.
- LART: Flexible, Low-Power Building Blocks for Wearable Computers
J-D. Bakker, K. Langendoen, and H. Sips, IWSAWC'01, April 2001.
Operating Systems
- Load Balancing and Unbalancing for Power, Energy, and Performance on Cluster-Based
Presenter: Eduardo Pinheiro, April 12, 2001
Power/Energy Simulation and Prediction Tools
- Wattch: A Framework for Architectural-Level Power Analysis and
D. Brooks, V. Tiwari, and M. Martonosi,
ISCA 2000, June 2000.
Presenter: Yang Ni, March 8, 2001
- Fast, Cycle-Accurate Energy Estimation
Presenter: Phillip Stanley-Marbell, April 5, 2001
- Energy-Oriented Compiler Optimizations for Partitioned Memory Architectures
(pdf, TR version.pdf),
V. Delaluz, M. Kandemir, N. Vijaykrishnan, and M.J. Irwin,
Proc. International Converence on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesis for
Embedded Systems (CASES'2000), November 2000.
Presenter: Jerry Hom, March 29, 2001
( slides.pdf)
- Compiler-Directed Voltage/Frequency Scheduling for Energy Reduction in
C-H. Hsu, U. Kremer, and M. Hsiao, Technical Report DCS-TR431, Department of
Computer Science, Rutgers University, February 2001.
Presenter: Chung-Hsing Hsu, February 15, 2001
- The Impact of Battery Capacity and Memory Bandwidth on CPU Speed-Setting:
A Case Study
T. Martin and D. Siewiorek,
Proceedings of the 1999 International Symposium on Low Power Electronics
and Design, San Diego, CA, August 1999.
Presenter: Taliver Heath, February 22, 2001
- Battery Life Estimation of Mobile Embedded Systems
D. Panigraphi, C. Chiasserini, S. Dey, R. Rao, A. Raghunathan, and K. Lahiri
Proceedings of the International Conference on VLSI Design, January 2001.
- 3G's Coming Energy Crisis
( html),
Justin Frimmer, MbizCentral.com, February 2001.
Applications and Case Studies
- Quantifying the Energy Consumption of a Pocket Computer and a
Java Virtual Machine
K. Farkas, J. Flinn, G. Back, D. Grunwald, and J. Anderson,
Presenter: Fancong Zeng, March 1 and 22, 2001
Last updated by Ulrich Kremer at 10:55am on February 28, 2001