Hardware and Software Support for
Power and Energy Management

Class Information

This is a one credit course and a continuation of last years light seminar on the same topic. We will meet every week for 60 minutes to discuss a single research paper. Participants are expected to give a single 30 minutes presentation on a selected research paper. We will meet on Thursdays at 12:10pm in CoRE 229 .

This page will have links to the research papers if they are electronically available. If you have any questions regarding this light seminar, please contact Prof. Uli Kremer (uli@cs.rutgers.edu). The links to online versions of the papers were provided by Chung-Hsing Hsu. Thanks!

Invited Speaker

Jamey Hicks, Compaq Cambridge Research Laboratory (CRL), TBA

Tentative Syllabus

Last updated by Ulrich Kremer at 10:55am on February 28, 2001