Multi Router Traffic Grapher -- Configuration File Format

This file is for use with mrtg-2.5.3


Global Configuration

Workdir specifies where the logfiles and the webpages should be created.


 WorkDir: /usr/tardis/pub/www/stats/mrtg

Optional Global Parameters


How many seconds apart should the browser (Netscape) be instructed to reload the page? If this is not defined, the default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).


 Refresh: 600


How often do you call mrtg? The default is 5 minutes. If you call it less often, you should specify it here. This does two things:

In this example we tell mrtg that we will be calling it every 10 minutes. If you are calling mrtg every 5 minutes, you can leave this line commented out.


 Interval: 10


With this switch mrtg will generate .meta files for CERN and Apache servers which contain Expiration tags for the html and gif files. The *.meta files will be created in the same directory as the other files, so you might have to set ``MetaDir .'' in your srm.conf file for this to work

NOTE: If you are running Apache-1.2 you can use the mod_expire to achieve the same effect ... see the file htaccess-dist


 WriteExpires: Yes


If you want to keep the mrtg icons in some place other than the working directory, use the IconDir variable to give its url.


 IconDir: /mrtgicons/

Configuration for each Target you want to monitor

The configuration keywords Target must be followed by a unique name. This will also be the name used for the webpages, logfiles and gifs created for that target.

Note that the Target sections can be auto-generated with the cfgmaker tool. Check readme.html for instructions.


With the Target keyword you tell mrtg what it should monitor. The Target keyword takes arguments in a wide range of formats:


In cases where you calculate the used bandwidth from several interfaces you normaly don't get the router uptime and router name displayed on the web page.

If these interfaces are on the same router and the uptime and name should be displayed nevertheless you have to specify its community and address again with the RouterUptime keyword.


 Target[]: 1:public@ + 2:public@
 RouterUptime[]: public@


The maximum value either of the two variables monitored are allowed to reach. For monitoring router traffic this is normally specified in bytes per second this interface port can carry.

If a number higher than MaxBytes is returned, it is ignored. Also read the section on AbsMax for further info. The MaxBytes value is also used in calculating the Y range for unscaled graphs (see the section on Unscaled).

Since most links are rated in bits per second, you need to divide their maximum bandwidth (in bits) by eight (8) in order to get bytes per second. This is very important to make your unscaled graphs display realistic information. T1 = 193000, 56K = 7000, Ethernet = 1250000. The MaxBytes value will be used by mrtg to decide whether it got a valid response from the router.


 MaxBytes[ezwf]: 1250000


Title for the HTML page which gets generated for the graph.


 Title[ezwf]: Traffic Analysis for Our Nice Company


Things to add to the top of the generated HTML page. Note that you can have several lines of text as long as the first column is empty.

Note that the continuation lines will all end up on the same line in the html page. If you want linebreaks in the generated html use the '\n' sequence.


 PageTop[ezwf]: <H1>Traffic Analysis for ETZ C95.1</H1>
  Our Campus Backbone runs over an FDDI line\n
  with a maximum transfer rate of 12.5 megabytes per

Optional Target Configuration Tags


Use this tag like the PageTop header, but its contents will be added between </TITLE> and </HEAD>.


 AddHead[ezwf]: <link rev="made" href="";>


If you are monitoring a link which can handle more traffic than the MaxBytes value. Eg, a line which uses compression or some frame relay link, you can use the AbsMax keyword to give the absolute maximum value ever to be reached. We need to know this in order to sort out unrealistic values returned by the routers. If you do not set AbsMax, rateup will ignore values higher then MaxBytes.


 AbsMax[ezwf]: 2500000


By default each graph is scaled vertically to make the actual data visible even when it is much lower than MaxBytes. With the Unscaled variable you can suppress this. It's argument is a string, containing one letter for each graph you don't want to be scaled: d=day w=week m=month y=year. In the example scaling for the yearly and the monthly graph are suppressed.


 Unscaled[ezwf]: ym


By default the graphs only contain the average values of the monitored variables - normally the transfer rates for incoming and outgoing traffic. The following option instructs mrtg to display the peak 5 minute values in the [w]eekly, [m]onthly and [y]early graph. In the example we define the monthly and the yearly graph to contain peak as well as average values.


 WithPeak[ezwf]: ym


By default mrtg produces 4 graphs. With this option you can suppress the generation of selected graphs. The option value syntax is analogous to the above two options. In this example we suppress the yearly graph as it is quite empty in the beginning.


 Suppress[ezwf]: y


By default, mrtg puts all the files that it generates for each target (the GIFs, the HTML page, the log file, etc.) in WorkDir.

If the Directory option is specified, the files are instead put into a directory under WorkDir. (For example the Directory option below would cause all the files for a target ezwf to be put into directory /usr/tardis/pub/www/stats/mrtg/ezwf/ .)

The directory must already exist; mrtg will not create it.


 WorkDir: /usr/tardis/pub/www/stats/mrtg
 Directory[ezwf]: ezwf

XSize and YSize

By default mrtgs graphs are 100 by 400 pixels wide (plus some more for the labels. In the example we get almost square graphs ...

Note: XSize must be between 20 and 600; YSize must be larger than 20


 XSize[ezwf]: 300
 YSize[ezwf]: 300

XZoom and YZoom

If you want your graphs to have larger pixels, you can ``Zoom'' them.


 XZoom[ezwf]: 2.0
 YZoom[ezwf]: 2.0

XScale and YScale

If you want your graphs to be actually scaled use XScale and YScale. (Beware while this works, the results look ugly (to be frank) so if someone wants to fix this: patches are welcome.


 XScale[ezwf]: 1.5
 YScale[ezwf]: 1.5


Change the default step from 5 * 60 seconds to something else (I have not tested this well ...)


 Step[ezwf]: 60


The Options Keyword allows you to set some boolean switches:

The graph grows to the left by default. This option flips the direction of growth causing the current time to be at the right edge of the graph and the history values to the left of it.

All the monitored variable values are multiplied by 8 (i.e. shown in bits instead of bytes) ... looks much more impressive :-) It also affects the 'factory default' labeling and units for the given target.

Suppress the information about uptime and device name in the generated webpage.

Don't print usage percentages

Treat the values gathered from target as absolute and not as ever incrementing counters. This would be useful to monitor things like disk space, processor load, temperature, and the like ...

In the absence of 'gauge' and 'absolute' options, MRTG treats variable as a counter and calculates the difference between the current and the previous value and divides that by the elapsed time between the last two readings to get the value to be plotted.

This is for data sources which reset their value when they are read. This means that rateup has not to build the difference between this and the last value read from the data source. The value obtained is still divided by the elapsed time between the last two readings, which makes it different from the 'gauge' option. Useful for external data gatherers.


 Options[ezwf]: growright, bits


The Colours tag allows you to override the default colour scheme. Note: All 4 of the required colours must be specified here. The colour name ('Colourx' below) is the legend name displayed, while the RGB value is the real colour used for the display, both on the graph and in the html doc.

Format is: Colour1#RRGGBB,Colour2#RRGGBB,Colour3#RRGGBB,Colour4#RRGGBB

First variable (normally Input) on default graph

Second variable (normally Output) on default graph

Max first variable (input)

Max second variable (output)

2 digit hex values for Red, Green and Blue


 Colours[ezwf]: GREEN#00eb0c,BLUE#1000ff,DARK GREEN#006600,VIOLET#ff00ff


With the Background tag you can configure the background colour of the generated HTML page


 Background[ezwf]: #a0a0a0a

YLegend, ShortLegend, Legend[1234]

The following keywords allow you to override the text displayed for the various legends of the graph and in the HTML document

The Y-axis label of the graph. Note that a text which is too long to fit in the graph will be silently ignored.

The units string (default 'b/s') used for Max, Average and Current

The strings for the colour legend


  YLegend[ezwf]: Bits per Second
  ShortLegend[ezwf]: b/s
  Legend1[ezwf]: Incoming Traffic in Bits per Second
  Legend2[ezwf]: Outgoing Traffic in Bits per Second
  Legend3[ezwf]: Maximal 5 Minute Incoming Traffic
  Legend4[ezwf]: Maximal 5 Minute Outgoing Traffic
  LegendI[ezwf]: &nbsp;In:
  LegendO[ezwf]: &nbsp;Out:

Note, if LegendI or LegendO are set to an empty string with


The corresponding line below the graph will not be printed at all.


If you live in an international world, you might want to generate the graphs in different timezones. This is set in the TZ variable. Under certain operating systems like Solaris, this will provoke the localtime call to give the time in the selected timezone ...


 Timezone[ezwf]: Japan

The Timezone is the standard Solaris timezone, ie Japan, Hongkong, GMT, GMT+1 etc etc.


By default, mrtg (actually rateup) uses the strftime(3) '%W' option to format week numbers in the monthly graphs. The exact semantics of this format option vary between systems. If you find that the week numbers are wrong, and your system's strftime(3) routine supports it, you can try another format option. The POSIX '%V' option seems to correspond to a widely used week numbering convention. The week format character should be specified as a single letter; either W, V, or U.


 Weekformat[ezwf]: V

Two very special Target names

To save yourself some typing you can define a target called '^'. The text of every Keyword you define for this target will be PREPENDED to the corresponding Keyword of all the targets defined below this line. The same goes for a Target called '$' but its text will be APPENDED.

Note that a space is inserted between the prepended text and the Keyword value, as well as between the Keyword value and the appended text. This works well for text-valued Keywords, but is not very useful for other Keywords. See the ``default'' target description below.

The example will make mrtg use a common header and a common contact person in all the pages generated from targets defined later in this file.


 PageTop[^]: <H1>NoWhere Unis Traffic Stats</H1><HR>
 PageTop[$]: Contact Peter Norton if you have any questions<HR>

To remove the prepend/append value, specify an empty value, e.g.:


And one more very special Target name

The target name '_' specifies a default value for that Keyword. In the absence of explicit Keyword value, the prepended and the appended keyword value, the default value will be used.


 YSize[_]: 150
 Options[_]: growright,bits,nopercent
 WithPeak[_]: ymw
 Suppress[_]: y
 MaxBytes[_]: 1250000

To remove the default value and return to the 'factory default', specify an empty value, e.g.:


There can be several instances of setting the default/prepend/append values in the configuration file. The later setting replaces the previous one for the rest of the configuration file. The default/prepend/append values used for a given keyword/target pair are the ones that were in effect at the point in the configuration file where the target was mentioned for the first time.


 MaxBytes[_]: 1250000
 MaxBytes[_]: 8000
 Title[]: Traffic Analysis for IF 2

The default MaxBytes for the target in the above example will be 1250000, which was in effect where the target name first appeared in the config file.

Some example mrtg.cfg files

Minimal mrtg.cfg

 WorkDir: /usr/tardis/pub/www/stats/mrtg
 MaxBytes[r1]: 64000
 Title[r1]: Traffic Analysis ISDN
 PageTop[r1]: <H1>Stats for our ISDN Line</H1>

Cfg for several Routers.

 WorkDir: /usr/tardis/pub/www/stats/mrtg
 Title[^]: Traffic Analysis for
 PageTop[^]: <H1>Stats for
 PageTop[$]: Contact The Chief if you notice anybody<HR>
 MaxBytes[_]: 64000
 Options[_]: growright

 Title[isdn]: our ISDN Line
 PageTop[isdn]: our ISDN Line</H1>
 Title[backb]: our Campus Backbone
 PageTop[backb]: our Campus Backbone</H1>
 MaxBytes[backb]: 1250000

 # the following line removes the default prepend value
 # defined above


 Title[isdn2]: Traffic for the Backup ISDN Line
 PageTop[isdn2]: our ISDN Line</H1>

2.5.2-1998/2/6 Tobias Oetiker <> and Dave Rand <>