Contents Domain Illustration Methods Conclusions
Domain The domain of this project are the objects that you would find on a normal highway road. Like curbs, shoulders, cars, bikes, animals, even deer, humans, sidewalks, medians, and solid traffic lines. The agent has to interact with these objects, namely when these objects are in the agent's way. The domain is used in order for the program to know what to do when objects get in the way of the agent. The domain is limited to objects on the road in order to perform its tasks. An example is this agent does not care about traffic lights or stop signs, because these objects are outside the scope of the program. The domain used is needed for the agent to interact sucessfully with the program.
This program will show the users what options there are when there
are objects around your vechile. These options are the possible moves
the vehicle can make within the given environment. It interacts with the
environment in order to give the user possible choices.
This program takes in data of the sensors in order to determine its
environment, and then uses prolog clauses to determine possible actions
to take. The program tells where it is safe to move the car, and then
waits for the sensors to update the environment.
This program is a good starting point in the operations of a DAS. However
things that were talked in class are still left out in this program,
that would make it a better system. I used many assumptions to
code the program within my knowledge of prolog. However with these
assumptions I limited the real uses that the program can do.
For example, if we remove the assumption that time is not a factor in
this program, we can see that the enivornment changes as objects interact
with the element of time. Objects that are in one zone change, without
actions even being taken by the agent.
The program would have to update its possible actions every second, in order
to make sure possible actions are still valid, or if actions must be taken
now in order to restore safty. An example is if any objects besides yourself,
is ent8 8 9 9% 8 $H8`8 KI]H P, @ 48 8`8 8 9 9% 8 %H8`8 KI%H 88 bKA ?` 8} H 8} H u8} H 8} K|;c 8} ;@ H T`?A (; 8} KwT`?@ ; , A ;@ 8} 8 KW@?A L; 8 ҳ HAA |`4, @ 8} 88 .HyH |c5A 8 KHI4A ( A 8c 8KG88 K! |AN | !@8 8 8a < N RH!A 8! |N | !p8 8 8a < N RHmA 8! |N | !; and now I understand why it takes years in project
research to get similar programs designed. This was a good starting point,
and I hope the ideas of old students is taken up by new students in order
to create useful programs for the future.