Summer School on Applied Logic: CAV Notes
A Tutorial Based on the Lectures of Robert Kurshan.
(46 pages)
McMillan Session 1 Notes:
Reactive Systems and Temporal Properties; Model Checking. (11 pages)
McMillan Session 2 Notes:
Branching Time and CTL Model Checking; Expressiveness Issues. (10 pages)
Wolper Notes 1:
Temporal Logics and Automata. (44 pages)
Wolper Notes 2:
Partial-Order Methods for Concurren t Prgram Verification. (39 pages)
Moore Slides:
Theorem Proving. (99 pages).
Other papers:
Vardi: An automata-theoretic approach to linear temporal logic,
(29 pages)
Vardi: Alternating automata and program verification
(15 pages)